Well it's gas that when the summer comes and we should stop thinking of the education establishments we work in, I actually find myself coming more in contact with the technical side of the schools operations. I fidget with the website, clean it up a bit add and subtratct from it and scan other school websites to see if they have something we should have! Well at least I am honest!
So this year I have added three things which I feel are necessary.
1. A bulletin board on which the students and their parents can sell their wares like schoolbooks and school equipment they are finished with. So far it has attracted about 40 users with some trading going on!
2. A fully functional room booking portal through which all teachers (whom I had to register myself) can see the present state of bookings and can book either of the two ICT labs, the Library, the Demo Room, and either of the two mobile ICT labs. I managed to find one that was open source!! Yippee!
3. A simple feed burner that carries the headlines of our online school newsletter on the front page of our school website. Mind you the ould newsletter needs a body now to tend to it as the last entry was sometime in 2009.
And it's only the middle of July!